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  • Senior Manager of the BAT Reference Book Department

Senior Manager of the BAT Reference Book Department

Position information


Job title:

Senior Manager of the BAT Reference Book  Department

Bureau of Best Available Techniques


Structural subdivision:

Bureau of Best Available Techniques


Functional responsibilities:

1) preparation of presentation and analytical material to the authorized body and other state bodies and public organizations;

2) implementation of the process to eliminate the comments of the authorized body to the report on the supervised areas;

3) implementation of the process of analyzing the level of coverage of EA (CTA) of enterprises in the industry. Preparation of recommendations for the subsequent EA cycle (CTA) in the supervised areas; 

4) participation in the identification of key stakeholders of the BAT Reference  book, study and analysis of their expectations, coordination of the List with the authorized body in the supervised areas;

5) implementation of the process of analysis, search and interaction with potential customers of BAT reference books;

6) coordination of public hearings and public discussions on the approval of the developed draft of the BAT Reference  book;

7) coordination of the interaction process with all stakeholders - government agencies, research institutes, the scientific community, business and companies, non-governmental organizations, industry associations, environmental associations, the international community and partners and others on the development and approval of the BAT Reference  book;

8) updating (if necessary, creation) of technical working groups for the development of BAT reference books;

9) coordination of the discussion process and coordination of the editions of the BAT manuals with the members of the relevant TWG and at the Scientific and Technical Council;

10) updating and expanding the database of independent experts to ensure high-quality scientific expertise and scientific validity of draft BAT reference books;

11) development and implementation of strategic documents of the BAT Bureau (Company Development Strategy, Development Plan for the planned year, Roadmap for the implementation of the state assignment agreement for the planned year) in terms of functional competence;

12) preparation of quarterly reports to the Ministry on the implementation of BP044;

13) performing the duties of the chief expert/ chief manager/ manager of the BAT Reference books Department during his absence;

14) preparation of contracts with counterparties, subsequent control over the fulfillment of the terms of the concluded agreement, preparation of necessary documentation for settlements with counterparties;

15) participation in the preparation of proposals for improving regulatory legal acts in the field of the best available techniques within the competence of the BAT Bureau;

16) performing other functions in accordance with the GNI and the instructions of the immediate supervisor.


  • Requirements for candidates


Education (level, qualifications / academic or academic degree, profile, preferably the names of educational institutions)

Higher (or postgraduate) education in the field of natural sciences (ecology)/ Agricultural Sciences/ Technical Sciences and technology, law/ information and communication technologies/ social sciences, economics and business.


Professional experience (duration, area, industries and more)

Practical work experience in the professional field or in areas corresponding to the functional areas of the position for at least 3 years

(preferably in the functional areas of the position in the field of ecology, in institutions and/or public administration bodies corresponding to the profile of the Company).


Additional requirements

It is desirable to have certification in the field of environmental protection, eco-management, and eco-audit.


Professional competencies (knowledge, abilities, skills)

1) knowledge of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating activities in the field of environmental protection, technical regulation, as well as industry legislation defining priority areas of the Company's activities;

2) knowledge of the state programs of the Republic of Kazakhstan aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment;

3) knowledge of environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4) knowledge of internal labor regulations, industrial sanitation, and fire safety requirements;

5) skills in developing and implementing strategies, policies, concepts, and industry programs;

6) experience of interaction with external bodies and organizations on issues and projects related to environmental protection;

7) skills in developing recommendations for improving measures of economic stimulation of companies' activities in the field aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment;

8) skills of working with a large amount of data, analyzing and making recommendations;

9) skills in developing proposals and making amendments to legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

10) contractual work skills;

11) analytical skills, skills of adapting international standards to the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and national/industry standards;

12) knowledge of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of standardization and certification;

13) knowledge of corporate governance principles;

14) knowledge of the principles and methods of building sustainable development systems.


Personal characteristics

Skill in working with a wide range of stakeholders;

Negotiation skills, consensus-building;

Communication and presentation skills (experience in public speaking, interviews, publications).


Language proficiency level, including the state language (indicate which one)

fluency in Russian, Kazakh, and English (Intermediate and higher) languages


Personal computer skills (programs, degree of proficiency):

A confident user of MS Office programs;

skills of working with the use of modern information technologies.

Senior Manager of the BAT Reference Book Department Senior Manager of the BAT Reference Book Department
Mangilik El prospect, C1.4 Z00Y4T8 Nur-Sultan Akmola region Kazakhstan